Unapologetic Women

Get ready for Season Two

Episode Summary

OMG we made a podcast. We dit it - a whole season. We couldn't be more excited to be back for Season two with the same promise of unscripted and honest conversations. We will be spending a lot more time on all the different facets of this upcoming US 2020 elections. because how could we not?

Episode Notes

E-mail: hello@unapologeticwomen.co

Instagram: www.instagram.com/unapologeticwomenpodcast/

Thanks for tuning in and see you next week.


Episode Transcription

S02 Trailer

[Sorcha: [00:00:00]  OMG, we made a podcast. We did it.  We did a whole season of episodes.

Toni: [00:00:15] We did. I love how you said, "we made a podcast" which is true. It's very accurate.

Sorcha: [00:00:21] You know, I'm all about the facts Toni

Toni: [00:00:24] Oh no, Don't open that can of worms

Sorcha: [00:00:27] is it fact, is it a myth?

Toni: [00:00:30] is it opinion. But no, you're right. We did it - season one in the box.

Sorcha: [00:00:38] What did you learn?

Toni: [00:00:41] So much?

What did I learn? I tell you what - there's something weird. I don't know how to say this without people taking this the wrong way. My husband was just like, It's so funny how you turn friendships into projects or projects into friendships. And I was like, Hmm, because the people I have the best relationships with are people that I dig into something with. I think of  Dana and the Happy Hours, you and this podcast...

I think what I learned was I'm someone who needs to be grounded into wanting to do something. To keep that consistency and to show up, which, and the reason why I said, I don't want this to be taken the wrong way, which I still think I would show up with you as a friend, regardless of this project, but it forces consistency.

There's something there... It is bizarre. It's a bizarre thing or lesson to have learned, but I think it's something that I just kind of love digging into things with people and going on a journey and discovering whatever comes up for you in that moment. Does that make sense?

Sorcha: [00:01:54] yeah. And that's why we started it - because we were having these conversations and it made [00:02:00] sense to record it and put it out into the world. So that totally lines up.

Toni: [00:02:05] So funny. I'll remember that next time, my husband says you turn friendships into a project so crazy. Because he was saying, why don't you just have friends that you, and I think that's the thing in lockdown that I am learning right now.

We should talk about that. How to just enjoy friendships. There's no outcome. There's no goal... because I'm so task-oriented, goal-oriented. I think I always anchor into that. So that's been interesting.

Sorcha: [00:02:34] I think you're giving yourself no credit that Oh no. Honestly, because like, yes, everything we do here there is a goal - the fact that we wanted to create a podcast, yes. But like in terms of showing up for people, I think you do that all the time.

Toni: [00:02:53] I felt like, yeah, maybe. Maybe it's just that I don't notice it.  You are looking at me so funny. Like you're a strange human being right now.  What did you learn?

Sorcha: [00:03:07] I learned that even if we are in our own little isolated bubble, having a conversation, that people outside of our little bubble care. And that if you actually have an honest unscripted dialogue with someone that it allows for other people to have thoughts being provoked from the conversation, whether that's a disagreement, whether that say, Oh my God, I never saw it that way.

Or, you know, wow, this is a new thing I'm learning. I think I had an inclination that that was a goal of mine from when we wanted from when we started this, but I didn't realize just how much us having dialogues and putting them out into the world would trigger for other people to have then [00:04:00] conversations with me of, Oh my God, I just listened to your episode on misinformation, disinformation, like, can we talk about that?

I didn't realize that that was a thing, you know, like whatever that was. So that was really exciting for me. I think I also learned that. people want to be a part of something.  I think we'd be amiss right now to, to not touch on the fact that we launched this in February, right before the world changed, as we know it, or as we did know it,  and COVID being a massive part of our podcast.

You know, our intent was not to have a podcast be, you know, we have the episode of let's say in, but like our intent was not to be isolated and self-isolated. But that was  what the world became. And I think it unearthed for both you and I, that our friendship had always been digital. And what did it mean to have a digital friendship?

What was it? I think in some episode, we've said that we've been in the same room, maybe 10 times. We've known each other for nearly five years.

Toni: [00:05:06] It's so interesting. You say that because actually that is the one thing, but COVID didn't change, for you and I, was all friendship. Nothing has changed.

It's no different apart from the fact that we had to endure, and thank you for everyone who listened to season one, my journey of the traveling pants, I'm going to call it, throughout all of Canada.

It feels nice not to have to talk about that anymore. Although I'm very glad that we've got that as a recording to listen back to that, but, but it was interesting to your point. That is the thing that was a very consistent for us and what that brought up for me as well, around the discussions and the dialogues and the unscripted piece of.

Just how much that was a component that people would miss during the pandemic. And I think we heard that from a couple of [00:06:00] you, the listeners, which I thought was a phenomenal and just eye-opening of, we knew this was a thing that we wanted to do the unscripted piece of it, but how people were saying during the lockdown, we weren't listening to the conversation, there were no humans to eavesdrop on, and there were no conversations happening around you where you could be prompted to take part, or prompted to think,

When you asked what have I learned, that is one of the things that I've learned as well is that desire to be a part of something, as you said, but just hearing other human beings, having a discussion and interaction so that made me very happy to know that that was the thing that was true and even more important than ever during this lockdown.

Sorcha: [00:06:38] Yeah. And here we are ready to go for season two, which is crazy, crazy to even think. What, what do you think season two is gonna be like for us?

Toni: [00:06:55] I'm hoping it's going to be more of the same. It's funny because I think at this point there's no way we could ever do a scripted podcast.  It's just not a thing that could ever happen and would be  terrible. Scripted or even prepared. So I think it's going to be more of this, the dialogues. And I think to your point, the world that we're in right now and heading into the U.S 2020 elections, I feel like that's top of mind for both of us, for who we are, but also for you and the job that you're doing and the activism inside of you.

So I feel that it's going to be. It's going to get political, in one way, shape or form. I don't even know if you can, look and then this is a thing that we'll probably dig into season two Sorcha,, but I don't even know if you can not be political or politically active in America right now. With Black Lives Matter, with what  COVID has unearthed... The 'apoliticalness' that we might have sensed, you know, five, 10 years ago.

I just don't think [00:08:00] that's possible. And I think that's probably true, not just for America. How about you?

Sorcha: [00:08:04] Yeah. You know, we both live in the U.S and I think a lot of our listeners are based in the U.S but also  outside, predominantly Ireland and England and Brussels and France given our own personal networks.

And I think it would be a disservice to ourselves if we decided to, you know, disregard or ignore in some way one of the biggest elections of our time. And we, we've always tried to have a more global lens. That's just who we are as people. And so I think what listeners can expect for season two: yes, we're going to be focusing on the nuts and bolts of the U.S presidential election, but we have the New Zealand  elections in October, we've got the French elections starting in March of 2021. So there's a lot happening right now in the world, as it pertains to leadership. And leadership has been a thing that you and I have talked about and focused on for many years.

And so I think bringing in the, yes, very tactical political lens, but grounding it in leadership is what I really want to get out of our season two. And I hope folks will follow along for the journey.

Toni: [00:09:12] And adding to that Sorcha, it's interesting because I think all of our conversations are always so layered that I'm excited to dig into the state of politics in America right now, but also how it pertains to pop culture, also how it's impacting or how technology is impacting the politics and data privacy...

There are so many layers there, of current affairs and pop culture and the different tools that were being used that I am unexcited for that conversation, especially as I feel like we're having those conversations daily more than ever now,

Sorcha: [00:09:45] Absolutely, and who knows we could have the first female Vice President of the United States, right?

I think there's a lot happening for women and you and I digging in on what our journey [00:10:00] of being unapologetic women and staying true to that because that is who we are and who we've identified ourselves as. To me that there's a lot of excitement. Again, if I look at New Zealand elections, there's a lot of excitement of female leadership and I think on a global scale, as well as in the U.S, we have a lot to dig into.

So here we come.