Unapologetic Women

Does negativity sell as much as sex?

Episode Summary

We should not be comfortable with one man holding the key to our moral compass. At the time of this recording, Elon Musk had not yet declared war on free speech - suspending journalists and anyone speaking against Elon, banning "free promotion of certain social media platforms" on the app and rubbing shoulders in Qatar with Jared Kushner.

Episode Notes

From this conversation, we came to the realisation that we may also be romanticising an era of journalism that no longer exists. In an ever-globalised world, we are continuously aware of what's happening but our media may not be equipped to cover the complexities of such events as the uprising that we are witnessing in Iran. As we continue to be in the 24h news cycle, what is the line between a journalist and a celebrity pundit?  And who do we trust to bring us to deliver the news impartially and factually?